Saturday, August 22, 2009

Candy.... Road?

So the kids in California are pretty darn lucky! They got to play on a giant Candy Land board! Hasbro celebrated the 60th anniversary of the game on the 19th by changing extremely curvy Lombard St. into a Candy Land track. Man, what I would have given to be able to play!

Especially since I'm bored to death right now!

As (I think) I mentioned in the last post, I don't have a phone anymore... Daddy bought me a phone card to call them, but it was $5, and they didn't have any local access numbers, and every time I used the 800 number, it took $1 off... yeah, didn't last too long. So last night I called Sprint and practically threatened his first born if he didn't find me another way to call home. =D So he connected me to Raven and we fought with Sprint for about an hour and a half... But I ended up getting another phone and a new plan... Not too excited about the new phone, because now I've got to wait to get it in the mail. And I'm almost completely convinced they don't have the right address after 3 attempts to give them the right one... SIGH!

Anyway, I've got to go talk to LSU whenever they open and get them to pay for my school because I surely can't. And if they won't help me, I don't wanna be here any way! Okay, that's a lie... But we will see what happens Monday... Luckily I have hour breaks betwixt my classes, so that should be enough time to talk to somebody.

Mal and Dria came over today! It was a short visit, but I enjoyed it. Hopefully I'll see them again soon.

Ha, I guess I should mention I moved into the dorms Thursday, but I suppose you've figured that out. My roommate and I get along pretty well, so that's good. She must think I'm some sort of friendless loser, I haven't left the room since Thursday and she's been out every day. Ha, oh well...

Anyway, I'm about to fight with Sprint again... Must be the 5th time I've called them in the last 24 hours... OH WELL!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Kim, where the HECK are you!?

So yeah... I've been gone. I got kicked out of the house (for no reason), and Father has no internet... I've been coming to the library to check e-mail and see what else LSU wants from me... I guess I'm off the grid...

I'm at the central library now, but they're about to close... Just wanted to post recent whereabouts... I haven't done anything!

Went to Mom's house earlier to get some more clothes and other things I didn't take the first time. There are still things I need to get before I go back to school, but there's no point in taking up more room now. And I lost my wallet recently (with $60), so I have to get a new driver's license, library card (check), and find out how much it will cost them to cut the lock for the storage unit in BR. le sigh...

Good news: Talked to Chelsea and had a half hour of good laughs. Really needed that! Hopefully I'll get to go hang out with Bunnie some time this weekend (What's left of it!), but we shall see. I miss everybody, it's a shame my phone's cut off. We're looking into getting another phone plan, or having them add me to their plan, but we'll see...


Monday, August 3, 2009

Not much to report...

Didn't really do anything worth mentioning over the weekend. If at all... I'm drawing a complete blank... Did I even leave the house!? =\

Anyway, today I got up and went to the post office to send out my completed swaps! There is no feeling like knowing you can mark 4 swaps sent in one day! =D Hope they like them!

Really, I'm just here to post a picture for a swap I missed out on... =\ I hope they'll have another, because I had every intention to join, but I was stupid and forgot... Oh well! Maybe this is why I should keep a calendar!

Anyway, nothing at all to report... Just a quicky. I just organized about 98% of the scrapbooking paper and 47% of all craft things total, and now I'm working on another swap, which reminds me, I need to get some soda cans...

=D <3

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Michael Jackson Diamonds?! Are you NUTS?!

So apparently the folks at LifeGem have decided to take some of Michael Jackson's hair and turn it into 10 half-carat diamonds. These are the same guys who did that with Beethoven's hair that sold for $200,000... So imagine what the heck they're gonna get for MJs?! What I would give to get my hand on one of those babies!

I first heard about this process from Dria (old roommate) when she told me that's what her dad wanted. Well When I looked it up then and to get a carat made out of my cold, dead body would cost $13-20k. WOW! Or you could go the cheap route and get a little less than 1/3 carat for $27-35 hundred. The main factors of price are color, size, and quantity... They reduce the, er...remains to carbon and turn it into diamond in a process just like when earth does it naturally. Except it takes them a little less than a year, compared to the bajillions the all natural way would take. They can just take some hair from someone alive and even pets! Maybe I should have sent Bart over... =P I think it's kind of cool! Since I'll be a multi gazillionaire, I think I'll just get my whole body made into one big whopper! And maybe a couple of little ones for engagement rings of my off spring... =P

So yeah... I hung out with Daddy and Raven and little Keira today. She's sooo big! She's walking and dancing and such a sweety... I love her! I shall kidnap her one day! I do miss hanging out with them! He's gone all gung ho again about getting me a car. So tomorrow we're gonna look at pricing of various ways to get to that government cheese. I will be babysitting tomorrow and Friday from 8a-6p, so hopefully I will have time to do a little research before the little angels wake up...

I emailed the head hancho at Burbank Monday, and he just got back with me today (jerk...). I tried to call him all day, left him messages, he didn't call back (double jerk). So I will be blowing up his phone again tomorrow. Apparently there is no charge made, but I'm not sure because one of us is missing info, and it's most likely me... We'll see how it goes tomorrow...

Well, since I need to be up around 7, I guess I should go to sleep, huh?

Things I hope to complete by Sunday, August 2, 2009:
  • Send out those swaps!Ain't gonna happen...
  • Have taken care of the whole storage mess
  • Have at least gotten pricing for my new hard drive
  • Clean up my room
  • Gone to Grace's at least twice
  • Have made at least 2 more entries! =P
  • Have a frikkin housing assignment... C'mon, LSU!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, I'm in a newsy kind of mood!

Could Earth Be Hurt Like Jupiter Was?
Yah, so maybe some of yall heard about the new crater Jupiter was sporting. An astronomer noticed the hole the 19th and it gave them a good reason to test out the new camera on the Hubble. The best guess about what hit it was that it was a comet a little more than half a mile wide; it left a hole about the size of the Pacifc Ocean and apparently the atmosphere of the planet is distorting it. HOOOOOOLY MOLY!

So then the question becomes "Could the same thing happen to us?! HOLY CRAP!" How on Earth (or any other planet, for that matter!) would we survive that? Astonomer Donald Yeons has the understatement of the year award, "It would have been fairly catestrophic." No kidding! Luckily, the chances for something like that hitting us, or anything at all for that matter, are very slim! And if anything does hit us, we'll all be quite old and on our way out, anyway... And then bigger the thing, the smaller the chance it'll hit. Scientists have been keeping an eye on near Earth objects (NEOs) just in case. There are about 784 big ones (and about 100 more to be found... Well if they know that, why can't they 'find' them!?), and out of all of them, only one has a hint of a chance to actually hit us. His name is 2007 VK184, he's 425ft wide and enjoys long walks on the beach... But don't get him mad! There's a whopping 1 in 2940 chance he'll smack us 10,000 times stronger than the A-bomb in 40 years. Whew! At least now we can go out with our boots on...

Anyway, I found this cool little program that let's you see what happens when you destroy earth. =D So I plugged in the criteria for Mr. 2007 if he were to hit 500 miles from here at a hypothetical density of 3000 kg/m^3 head on. It wasn't so bad, which makes me question my knowledge of how to use it... But anyway, it would creat a crater 1.34 miles wide and .47 miles deep! Almost 3 minutes later, we would (not!) feel the effects of a 5.8 quake. 37 minutes after that, we'd feel a whopping 1.49 mph wind. Not to catestrophic, huh? Maybe you can figure it out!

=D Just thought I'd share!

So today was trying... Got on the phone with Chelsea to get the storage unit and something was up with Momma and I was about an inch away from pulling my hair out when I decided to go rouge... Ha, glad I did, because I could NOT wait another day for things to get done. It's really a bad habit of mine, putting things off. I'm not sure if I put them off or actually forget them... But it's a bad thing! And I've tried writing things down, but I forget to look at the thing I write them in! Talk about your catch 22s! Anyway, the unit has been secured and all we have to worry about now is this lame fee they got... I was NOT aware there was a dead line... But I'm slowly realizing I can't fix this... I guess the flailing should have been a clue. Hopefully I can get it removed, but if not, I'll be the jerk who can't fix what she caused.

And I just love that feeling........ =\

Went to the bank today to deposit a check to pay for the unit and I dropped my card in that space betwixt the car and the ATM... I was about 88% of the way home when I realized I didn't have it, so I went ALL the way back just to find it wasn't there... And then I found it. In the passenger seat. That was an extra 30 minutes of driving.... Half of which I spent screaming profanity. Where's a stress reliever when you need it?! And while going 5 over the speed limit, the cop I passed made a Uie, so I prayed I could make it home before he caught up with me. And I did. Oh yah!

Made a date with Uncle Philip to go get my hard drive and confirmed a date with Daddy tomorrow! YAY! I did NOT, however, make it to the post office. I sent off the one swap that was due today, the others aren't due until mid-August, so I'll (hopefully) have the $ for shipping by then!

Things I hope to complete by Sunday, August 2, 2009:
  • Send out those swaps!
  • Have taken care of the whole storage mess
  • Have at least gotten pricing for my new hard drive
  • Clean up my room
  • Gone to Grace's at least twice
  • Have made at least 2 more entries! =P
  • Have a frikkin housing assignment... C'mon, LSU!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Tee hee, whoops!

I love how that lasted a whole month!!! =P

Anyway, my recent boom of crafting has inspired me to come back... =D Maybe I'll share my life along with those pictures!

Anyway, I don't feel like playing catch up, so I'll just write about today:

UGH! =P I stayed up all night because I was so frustrated that I've been putting off getting my stuff from Baton Rouge and now I've caused a $200 fee to be charge to Chelsea. Bad Kim! So... now we're trying again, but it helps that some people are actually willing to help me out this time! Hopefully my crap will be out by today (tomorrow?) and we can get that fee cleared... Lord knows we can't pay for it!

So what was I doing last night? I was making a cowl, of course! What's a cowl? Well... I'm not entirely sure! ?I think it's kinda like a turtle neck sweater, minus the sweater... A scarf that you don't have to wrap. For whom? Well, all I know is her name is Abby. Why am I making things for people I don't know? Well...

I've joined this site called Swap-Bot. Basically, you sign up for swaps where you make something, could be anything depending on the swap, and mail it off to your partner. It's pretty nifty. I've done 4 and am about to finish 4 or 5 more once I make a trip to the post office tomorrow. I'm a little obsessed with it and I'm sure it will just turn into another thing to keep me from studying! =P

Things I hope to complete by Sunday, August 2, 2009:
  • Send out those swaps!
  • Have taken care of the whole storage mess
  • Have at least gotten pricing for my new hard drive
  • Clean up my room
  • Gone to Grace's at least twice
  • Have made at least 2 more entries! =P
  • Have a frikkin housing assignment... C'mon, LSU!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009


Didn't do anything AGAIN...

Maybe tomorrow I'll have stories!

Until then, enjoy these pictures of Chris' awards ceremony!

Friday, January 16, 2009


Didn't do anything interesting yesterday but run 1/2 mile....
Barely did ANYTHING today... No classes on Friday! How great!!!
I did clean Bart's tank, though... And applied for 2 jobs on campus... And (hopefully) fixed the whole financial aid thing! We'll see...


... =D

Sorry this isn't very interesting... I'll try to be more productive tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Boxing Squad

So... Today was definitely a lazy day.

I causally strolled into math class a respectfully 15 minutes late... =D. So yeah, so wasn't too happy, but I don't care...
We're freaking doing LINEAR EQUATIONS! LINEAR EQUATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... I'm sorry, am I in high school all over again? Gag me with a rusty spoon!!!

Then I had lunch with Bre... She was in my poli sci class last semester and now she's in my math class, so we can suffer together. We went back to her room to hang out and 'do homework'... Or slack off... whatever, same diff! But she realized she had to be at work in... 12 minutes... So that was short lived.

I decided not to go to Latin because I wasn't prepared... So hopefully I'll be ready tomorrow!

Then I went back to my room and finished unpacking... I'm completely unpacked now! YAY! At some point of time Mal and I hung out downstairs to 'do homework'. We had dinner at Highland and we forgot to get dessert, so she went to Outtakes to get some ice cream. When we got back, Mean Girls was on the big screen in the lobby, so we watched that, then went to the gym.

Mk, so what we did at the gym yesterday was walk for 30 minutes, hit the punching bag, do some floor exercises, then do some weights... So today we started doing the same thing, but there were these guys on the bag and doing the "ball" (it's actually called the speed bag, but I didn't know that at the time...), so we kinda waited around for them to leave because we didn't want them to laugh at us... So eventually all but one guy left, so Mal was like, "Well, if you go first, I'll go, too!" So I put on the gloves and was hitting for a while and the guy comes over and says, "Are y'all looking to be fighters?" Ha, so we had to explain that we have no idea what we were doing and were just messing around, strictly therapeutic! So he taught us the 1-2 punch thing!! It was really cool and he was really nice, so now when we're hitting the bag, we'll look (sort of like) we know what we're doing! How cool!

We came home and I took care of some things and now I'm blogging! So huzzah for a pretty productive day! I'm off to the shower!


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

First day back!!!

So I had a pretty good first day back... I had all my classes today, so I'm not so behind.

My history teacher is a little... off! There was this one girl drinking or eating something (like... a small snack or bottle of water) and he snapped at her (mid-word), "Is this a movie theater!? You do not eat in this class room! There is a LSU policy against eating, drinking, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages of any kind, or doing drugs in the classroom! And it will be enforced here!" And I was like, '...seriously?' And every time someone came in late, he would stop (again...mid-sentence), demand them take a syllabus, and said firmly, "Do NOT be late again. If you are late, don't even come in!" And later he was like, "I don't show maps on the projector, and I don't pull then from the rolly thing. I draw them. Badly. That way when you try to draw them, you'll actually learn where things are." ........Yeah, can we say thank you, google images? What a nut job!!!

Then I had biology... That was pretty good. I like my teacher, he shared a fun story and some fun pictures... We just talked about the course and what to expect and so on... I might actually enjoy biology this semester!!!

I got out early, so I went to the library to pick up a clicker for one of my classes, grabbed some Chick-fil-a, then went to Elise's to get Sunny (my bike). We shared fries and talked until I was late for class... Then she made me go (no fun!). But we might get to hang out Friday, so it'll be okay.

Latin class was interesting... I was NOT prepared at all... So I just IM'd Rikki the whole time about my wonderful school experience... Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!!!

After class Mal and I met up at the bookstore so she could get some text books, and I picked up a card for my aunt. After that we got dinner at Highland. How I've missed their grilled cheeses!!! When we got back to the dorm, I (partially) unpacked and organized... I got Bart settled in his new home! Momma had to buy him a plastic home because I was a bit apprehensive about toting around a glass bowl on the bus... I was scared enough about how he would do on the bus, but he (obviously) made it.

Now all I have to do is unpack my clothes and I'll be "home" again... =\

Mal and I went to the gym for an hour today. I walked 2 miles and did some other exercises. I told Mal, "I fell empowered! I feel like I could take over the world!......tomorrow." =D


Monday, January 12, 2009

On the road again...

So I'm on the bus bound for Baton Rouge... We're in Buffalo, Tx right now. I should arrive at LSU around 5:45am... So until then, I'll be crocheting my hat and...flirting? What? Maybe more on that later, but nothing major, I promise!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The last day... For real!

Lazy Sunday!

Woke up at 9.30am to go to church. Saw a whole bunch of people I've missed! It was a great day with a great service!

I came home and I don't remember what all we did, but I'm sure it has to do with crocheting! I'm STILL working on that hat! I hope I finish it before I leave... So I can wear it while I crochet something else... This shall be the first bus ride where I will NOT sleep. =D....Maybe

Momma dided my hurr today! I'm not sure how it looks......because it's still in rollers.....but it's longer! And will probably be pimpin when I take it down.

So... Now I'm about to crochet a little more and then maybe go to sleep... I should actually pack! But I don't wanna go!!!! =\ But I've got to. Oh well.

I love you guys! See you Spring Break!!!


Saturday, January 10, 2009


Momma and I are going to a slumber party together. Yay for more time with my best friend!

Oh... I took apart a(n ugly) sweater to make a hat. It's still in progress... I may have enough to make more than one. Who wants one?

Uncle Philip is watching Christopher while we party, so we'll be back some time tomorrow... huzzah!
Other than that, haven't done much today... if anything! Just the sweater... Then ate, showered, and got ready to go. So hopefully tomorrow will be a better post!

=D <3

Friday, January 9, 2009

Not yet! I refuse!

I'm not going back to LSU until Monday...

I'm very tired, so this will be a short one.... And I had every intention to blog yesterday, but you know how that goes...

So today we went to an awards ceremony at Chris' school! He got all A's and a writing award. His teacher said she could tell his voice in his writing, which is uncommon in a second grader. Got many pics which I will post later.

After that, Momma and I went to Braum's for lunch and then see Not Easily Broken. It was a really good movie! Not your average story line! You should definitely go see it.

We came home so I could pick up the boys and so Momma could pick up Chris... We went to Golden Corral with the family to celebrate Chris' success. It was great! I got to eat a lot of different stuff which was excellent... Saw Miyah! Although she didn't like me... I love her anyway!

And then I had a (slight) breakdown about leaving... So Momma thought leaving Monday would be better, and I certainly agree! The longer I can stay home, the better!

So we're currently surfing the LSU course catalog, then off to bed, I suppose. =D

Oh! I hope you like the new layout! Made it myself, of course! Took forever....


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Crochet Galore!

So I've decided to skip the whole "finishing the room" thing and start on my layout...
And then my plans were foiled when I couldn't find the brush I wanted... How odd!
So I guess I'll be finishing up my room... But I'm almost done anyway... =D

Today I did almost absolutely NOTHING! I took Chris school... Fought with him for 20 minutes! Oh man! Now I know how Momma feels!!!! When I got back, though, I went straight to sleep. I was SO exhausted... I've GOT to get to bed earlier... This is driving me INSANE! I've been sleeping my day away instead of doing my work... And I'd love to have a clean room to come back to...whenever that is.

Momma and I called the financial aid office today, talked to a few people, and we got work study!!! So that will help out some! Huzzah! Although I still don't want to go back... =\

Then I finished the frog I was crocheting and gave it to Momma for her Christmas... =] Finally got around to it! She loved it (she said), and I think it's precious. I also made a tennis ball for Chris and something else for a friend for Christmas... I'll post a picture of THAT after I give it to them... But until then, I'll putt up the pictures of the other 3 projects I made this month... That's right! FOUR crocheted projects this month. HAHA! I'm off the hook for now!
And... I wound another ball of yarn... =D Only... 1 or 2 more to go! =D

I did some laundry... About to do some more... And then I'll be done with my room!!!

I can't remember what else I did... Oh yeah... I spelled 'lottery' 'lautory'... But SHHHHHHHH! Don't tell! =D

Chris' Tennis Ball

Momma's Frog

My Hat

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What a day!

This morning I took Chris to school for Momma. I think I'll be doing that all week, much to my dismay! I was soooo sleepy when I got home! I stayed up for about 3 hours and went back to sleep. I woke up around 2 so I could get some more work done and pick up the neighbor's son and his friend. I'm just full of good deeds! =P I brought the boys here so they could play, and Christopher soon joined. They had a grand old time without me having to lift a finger!

But, while Chris was at school, Momma and I applied for a new loan to pay *****-SU... All we need is a credible cosigner and then we've got it! But it was sooo stressful! Or maybe it was because I was so exhuasted... The websites were running so slow I kept taking breaks to ball (more) yarn, because I knew if I laid down I wouldn't wake up for a while. =P But eventually, I took that blissful nap.

After the other boys left, I started up on my room again... I did the rest of my alundry and now I"m in the process of folding it and putting it away (ugh!)... I've just got one more load to dry and fold and put away and then I'll have been through everything in my wardrobe! I've given so much away already! I don't know how much more I could get rid of... But I'm finding a lot of my stuff is similar to other stuff, so I've been getting rid of those... And I have a lot of PJs, so I'm thinking I'll only keep the sets I have and donate the random big shirts and bottoms... And once that's all done I can decide what to take to LSU and what to leave... I'll definitely bring some nice (dressy) clothes this time, although I'm sure because I will, we'll have nothing to go to... =P

I had dinner with Bunnie today!!!!!!! We met up at Panera Bread and talked and exchanged gifts. It was a really light-hearted bonding session and I thuroughly enjoyed it! I love seeing her! And I've missed her like crazy!!! So after we ate, we got some hot drinks and went to our cars, and I start mine up and decided to wait until she leaves to go, since Rupert needs to warm up, and she says something like "I can't open my door!", and I was like 'ha...okay........' And she comes up to the window and says, "Yeah, I left my lights on!" =P So she went looking for someone to loan her some jumper cables (which no one had... what kind of men live in Mesquite?!!?), so I ended up taking her home, which was great! We got some extra bonding time.

On my way home from The Light House, I got a text from Bethany, my favorite Ivory Spoon! =P So I went over to her house and we talked mostly about her baby ('tis a boy! She will name him Kimberly whether she wants to or not... =P), but about school and her new (real... =P) job. And we had some ice cream and a ton of good laughs! I alway laugh really hard with her! It was sooo much fun! I wish we had more time, but we were both getting sleepy so I decided to head home!

When I got in the car, I noticed a helicopter searching for someone (something?) with its spotlight... So being as nosey as I am, I tried to follow it, and it was pointing into this pond-like lake-thing, and there were around 2 cop cars around it, but their light's weren't flashing... So I didn't know if someone had fell in or if they were looking for someone and just turned off the lights... Who knows... maybe it'll be on the new tomorrow!

Well I'm off to bed! I'm beat and hearing about Mallory's banjo adventures is...great....... =P
(love ya, Mal!)


Monday, January 5, 2009


Pack up;
I’m strayed;
Oh say, say, say;
Oh say, say, say;
Oh say, say, say;
Oh say, say, say;
Oh say, say, say

Wait, they don’t love you like I love you;
And wait, they don’t love you like I love you;
Wait! They don’t love you like I love you.....

Lay off;
Don’t stress;
Well, my kind's,your kind;
I’ll stay the same!
Pack up;
Don’t stray;
Oh say, say, say;
Oh say, say, say!

Wait! They don’t love you like I love you;
And wait! They don’t love you like I love you;
Wait! They don’t love you like I love you!
And wait! They don’t love you like I love you!
Wait! They don’t love you like I love you …

Wait! They don’t love you like I love you;
And wait! They don’t love you like I love you;
Wait! They don’t love you like I love you!
And wait! They don’t love you like I love you!
Wait! They don’t love you like I love you …

So yeah... I've been listening to this song for a while. I don't know why, but I feel comfortable with it.
Don't ask me to elaborate, because I doubt I can...
But... I tend to think about my spiritual life when I listen to it.

But moving on...
So... I've completed my first crochet piece of the month... It's a fuzzy hat! That I love! I'll put up a picture late. I'm currently working on a project now that I hope to finish tonight... But until I do, I can't tell you what it is because it's FOR somebody!!!

So today... Kind of begins with last night. I hung out with Travis and his friends again. How amazing they are! Travis made this trivia game for all of us to play, and it was so well done! Not too easy, not too hard. No wonder he's so cool. =D After I got home from that, Momma and I stayed up until 4am just talking and stuff. So we didn't wake up until some time around 2pm.... which was really weird because my mom does not sleep in! But we still had fun all the same. But... we didn't do anything today. The record player we found on the curb doesn't work (=\) so... I'm still looking for one, if anybody happens to have any connections....

I haven't done any work on my room today... But I'm about to finish up this laundry... I've got another load or two until I've washed all the clothes I own! How great would that be?

Chris and I watched 2 movies together today! We saw Meet Dave and Horton Hears A Whoo. Oh man! Great movies!!!! I'm not sure if it was because I'm an emotional girl (at the moment) or because they were just that great, but I held back tears (to avoid the "Kimmi, why are you crying!?"). But I highly recommend them to everybody.

I balled 4 skeins of yarn today... It was really fun! I had made a slipper out of this blue yarn and it was too wide, so I decided to take it apart and redo it, but I had just now gotten to it. So I pulled it apart then balled the excess yarn, but I kept going! And before I knew it, the whole skein was balled! It was so easy... So I decided to do 3 more... Just little ones... Each one looks prettier than the one before it. I figured out a nice little system. But I think I'll ball the rest when I have the time. Maybe on the bus ride to LSU.

Speaking of LSU... I hate them. I hate them all! =\ Long story short, they say I don't qualify for any grants or special financial aid because my mom's income is too high. Oh, what's that, you say? You thought my mom doesn't have an income? Well you're absolutely correct! LSU is just being one big ball of stupid *** *****!!!!

le sigh....

Just... Today's been kind of a downy day... Like Jeneill says, "Today was really chill minus all the frustration and angst".

=P <3

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Out with the old...

So since I've been home, I've been in the process of not only cleaning my room, but donating the stuff I don't want/need and giving it that personal touch.
I'm (kind of) happy to report I'm about 85% done. I'm working on organizing it now.
But all of this coming week I will be doing laundry, getting rid of MORE clothes (hopefully buying more?) and deciding what needs to go back to LSU.

Yesterday, I went to Alex's surprise party and had a BLAST with Rikki and the crew. =D I just love hanging out with them! There was Rock Band and dummy rummy and nertz and snacks and fun galore! Rikki throws the best parties!
I may have to commission her to throw my 19th... =P

I'm also in the process of designing my own layout... I stumbled across another blog with this same preset and I decided maybe I wouldn't want to be labeled as plain! But I've decided to keep it as a treat for finishing my room.

That's been my last two days, though. Just tossing out the old year and trying to embrace the new... So far so good!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

So welcome to part of my new year's resolution!
This is actually a stale resolution from last year, but I never actually got around to it. =P
So NOW I've decided to do it.

I don't have many this year.

1. Keep a blog for a year (not necessarily every day, but at least 5 times a week)
2. Crochet 2 things every month
3. Keep my legs CLOSED. =D
4. Learn something new (out side of class) everyday

Thought I'd keep it simple! So maybe this time I'd stick to it.

But, I must give Jeneill her props for gettin the ball rollin! She's such an awesome inspiration. You should definitely check her out!

So... It's new years! And of course I partied! Travis invited me to hang with his friends at his house (in Plano! TALK ABOUT A DRIVE!). We played a wicked game of Landmines, danced, took some photo ops! So much fun! I made some friends I surely hope to keep!

And now I'm home. I just fed Bartholimew and helped my mom get her phone numbers back on her new phone. Now I need to shower and do my hair so I can crochet in peace! I'm making another hat!

Love ya!