Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, I'm in a newsy kind of mood!

Could Earth Be Hurt Like Jupiter Was?
Yah, so maybe some of yall heard about the new crater Jupiter was sporting. An astronomer noticed the hole the 19th and it gave them a good reason to test out the new camera on the Hubble. The best guess about what hit it was that it was a comet a little more than half a mile wide; it left a hole about the size of the Pacifc Ocean and apparently the atmosphere of the planet is distorting it. HOOOOOOLY MOLY!

So then the question becomes "Could the same thing happen to us?! HOLY CRAP!" How on Earth (or any other planet, for that matter!) would we survive that? Astonomer Donald Yeons has the understatement of the year award, "It would have been fairly catestrophic." No kidding! Luckily, the chances for something like that hitting us, or anything at all for that matter, are very slim! And if anything does hit us, we'll all be quite old and on our way out, anyway... And then bigger the thing, the smaller the chance it'll hit. Scientists have been keeping an eye on near Earth objects (NEOs) just in case. There are about 784 big ones (and about 100 more to be found... Well if they know that, why can't they 'find' them!?), and out of all of them, only one has a hint of a chance to actually hit us. His name is 2007 VK184, he's 425ft wide and enjoys long walks on the beach... But don't get him mad! There's a whopping 1 in 2940 chance he'll smack us 10,000 times stronger than the A-bomb in 40 years. Whew! At least now we can go out with our boots on...

Anyway, I found this cool little program that let's you see what happens when you destroy earth. =D So I plugged in the criteria for Mr. 2007 if he were to hit 500 miles from here at a hypothetical density of 3000 kg/m^3 head on. It wasn't so bad, which makes me question my knowledge of how to use it... But anyway, it would creat a crater 1.34 miles wide and .47 miles deep! Almost 3 minutes later, we would (not!) feel the effects of a 5.8 quake. 37 minutes after that, we'd feel a whopping 1.49 mph wind. Not to catestrophic, huh? Maybe you can figure it out!

=D Just thought I'd share!

So today was trying... Got on the phone with Chelsea to get the storage unit and something was up with Momma and I was about an inch away from pulling my hair out when I decided to go rouge... Ha, glad I did, because I could NOT wait another day for things to get done. It's really a bad habit of mine, putting things off. I'm not sure if I put them off or actually forget them... But it's a bad thing! And I've tried writing things down, but I forget to look at the thing I write them in! Talk about your catch 22s! Anyway, the unit has been secured and all we have to worry about now is this lame fee they got... I was NOT aware there was a dead line... But I'm slowly realizing I can't fix this... I guess the flailing should have been a clue. Hopefully I can get it removed, but if not, I'll be the jerk who can't fix what she caused.

And I just love that feeling........ =\

Went to the bank today to deposit a check to pay for the unit and I dropped my card in that space betwixt the car and the ATM... I was about 88% of the way home when I realized I didn't have it, so I went ALL the way back just to find it wasn't there... And then I found it. In the passenger seat. That was an extra 30 minutes of driving.... Half of which I spent screaming profanity. Where's a stress reliever when you need it?! And while going 5 over the speed limit, the cop I passed made a Uie, so I prayed I could make it home before he caught up with me. And I did. Oh yah!

Made a date with Uncle Philip to go get my hard drive and confirmed a date with Daddy tomorrow! YAY! I did NOT, however, make it to the post office. I sent off the one swap that was due today, the others aren't due until mid-August, so I'll (hopefully) have the $ for shipping by then!

Things I hope to complete by Sunday, August 2, 2009:
  • Send out those swaps!
  • Have taken care of the whole storage mess
  • Have at least gotten pricing for my new hard drive
  • Clean up my room
  • Gone to Grace's at least twice
  • Have made at least 2 more entries! =P
  • Have a frikkin housing assignment... C'mon, LSU!

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