Tuesday, January 6, 2009

What a day!

This morning I took Chris to school for Momma. I think I'll be doing that all week, much to my dismay! I was soooo sleepy when I got home! I stayed up for about 3 hours and went back to sleep. I woke up around 2 so I could get some more work done and pick up the neighbor's son and his friend. I'm just full of good deeds! =P I brought the boys here so they could play, and Christopher soon joined. They had a grand old time without me having to lift a finger!

But, while Chris was at school, Momma and I applied for a new loan to pay *****-SU... All we need is a credible cosigner and then we've got it! But it was sooo stressful! Or maybe it was because I was so exhuasted... The websites were running so slow I kept taking breaks to ball (more) yarn, because I knew if I laid down I wouldn't wake up for a while. =P But eventually, I took that blissful nap.

After the other boys left, I started up on my room again... I did the rest of my alundry and now I"m in the process of folding it and putting it away (ugh!)... I've just got one more load to dry and fold and put away and then I'll have been through everything in my wardrobe! I've given so much away already! I don't know how much more I could get rid of... But I'm finding a lot of my stuff is similar to other stuff, so I've been getting rid of those... And I have a lot of PJs, so I'm thinking I'll only keep the sets I have and donate the random big shirts and bottoms... And once that's all done I can decide what to take to LSU and what to leave... I'll definitely bring some nice (dressy) clothes this time, although I'm sure because I will, we'll have nothing to go to... =P

I had dinner with Bunnie today!!!!!!! We met up at Panera Bread and talked and exchanged gifts. It was a really light-hearted bonding session and I thuroughly enjoyed it! I love seeing her! And I've missed her like crazy!!! So after we ate, we got some hot drinks and went to our cars, and I start mine up and decided to wait until she leaves to go, since Rupert needs to warm up, and she says something like "I can't open my door!", and I was like 'ha...okay........' And she comes up to the window and says, "Yeah, I left my lights on!" =P So she went looking for someone to loan her some jumper cables (which no one had... what kind of men live in Mesquite?!!?), so I ended up taking her home, which was great! We got some extra bonding time.

On my way home from The Light House, I got a text from Bethany, my favorite Ivory Spoon! =P So I went over to her house and we talked mostly about her baby ('tis a boy! She will name him Kimberly whether she wants to or not... =P), but about school and her new (real... =P) job. And we had some ice cream and a ton of good laughs! I alway laugh really hard with her! It was sooo much fun! I wish we had more time, but we were both getting sleepy so I decided to head home!

When I got in the car, I noticed a helicopter searching for someone (something?) with its spotlight... So being as nosey as I am, I tried to follow it, and it was pointing into this pond-like lake-thing, and there were around 2 cop cars around it, but their light's weren't flashing... So I didn't know if someone had fell in or if they were looking for someone and just turned off the lights... Who knows... maybe it'll be on the new tomorrow!

Well I'm off to bed! I'm beat and hearing about Mallory's banjo adventures is...great....... =P
(love ya, Mal!)


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